Women Hormonal Imbalance:

  • Estrogen/Progesterone imbalance
  • Perimenopause
  • Menopause
  • PCOS
  • Post-Partum Depression (PPD)

Female hormones and how they function:

Many systems of the body are affected by the functions of female hormones. Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone have important roles in regulating your physical, mental, and psychological health. The functions of female hormones and their effects on the body change throughout a woman’s lifetime. Typically, hormones peak at age 20 and begin to fluctuate at approximately age 35. For example, at about age 40, estrogen levels begin to decrease as the body prepares for menopause. 

If we think of hormones as a puzzle, even when one hormone is out of balance the puzzle then will not be complete. Lifestyle, diet, toxic exposure and medications can all have direct effects on the functions of female hormones.

Estrogen:  has over 400 crucial functions in your body that include cardiovascular, bone and brain health. We have estrogen receptors in every cell of our body. 

Progesterone: plays a major role in reduction of anxiety and stress management. Therefore, the lower progesterone levels are, the more we are prone to irritability, sleep disturbances, and anxiety. Also helps balance estrogen, build bones, bladder function, and relax smooth muscles in our gut

Testosterone: it’s not just for men. Testosterone in women are made in the ovaries and adrenals. Performs many important functions the body which includes: bone health, muscle tone/mass, memory, well-being, libido and brain health. 

Perimenopause is the time that leads up to menopause, which is when a female’s menstrual period ends entirely (marked by 12 consecutive months without a period). This is also when many new hormonal symptoms can surface such as weight gain, irritability, trouble sleeping and mood swings.  In perimenopause, progesterone is typically the first hormone to drop. Estrogen during perimenopause may also fluctuate, causing levels to become erratic and unpredictable. 

Throughout life progesterone and estrogen must be in balance with each other.   Levels of estrogen may not be high, but because progesterone levels are low, the ratio of these hormones trick the body into thinking estrogen levels are too high thus causing estrogen excess symptoms. Symptoms of estrogen dominance can include bloating or puffiness, irritability, heavy periods, breast tenderness, weight gain (especially around the hips, buttocks, and thighs), hypothyroidism, and much more.

Treatment for hormonal imbalances include the use of bio-identical hormones (BHRT) which are plant based and replicated from your own hormones. “Synthetic” hormones are not the same chemical composition/structure that your own body makes. BHRT is used to balance deficiencies and imbalances in all hormone levels through the use of creams, patches, and pills. 

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